Sunday, December 3, 2006

Snow where it belongs

we finally got some long awaited snow, only to come to the realization that our school will never cancel. despite 7 inches or so of white persuasion, so somehow, we all got trapped in the school until we could shovel out the cars and leave. several times we were tempted to walk home for lunch and claim we couldn't get back due to the snow. one of these seasons i'm going to realize that i desprately need some kind of digital picture taking device so that i can picture-ize the pretty landscape.
this being the first REAL snow fall, means that hot chocolate experimentation has begun. so far, i'm mixing cinnamon, dark chocolate, and one of those little red/white minty mints. i don't think i needed the dark chocolate, but it was still amazing. previous attemps involved liqured chocolate mousse, powdered sugar and, some kind of candy substance that currently excapes me.try them, their amazing. if you have powdered hot chocolate, use swiss miss.

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