Sunday, December 10, 2006

LARGE people

people that need canes because they are too fat to walk, have a problem. people that have to be in wheel chairs because they can't walk have a problem. people who have trouble getting into elevators, escalators, car doors, and doors in general, have a problem. that problem is that if you divided them into 3 you would have 3 pretty chubby people. my solution. you don't need a diet plan, you don't need pills, or even medicine stuffage.
what america needs is
narrower checkout aisles.

if you can't fit into the checkout aisle, your not going to be able to buy food, your going to lose weight.
that way all people who don't weigh 500+ pounds can actual get a chance to check out instead of waiting for and hour and a half just to get a few items so they can get home and wrap xmas presents!!!

i had a bad encounter and now i've corrected it. the world is a better place!

now i'm going to eat some milkshake. yes i EAT milkshakes


Unknown said...

lol! but what about the people that were born just not walking and then cause they couldn't exercize, became fat?


Schzamn said...

they better be AMAZING at video games, or hacking into federal computers.

Anonymous said...

Hey that is so offensive!!!!!!!!!!! I went home and cried myself to sleep!!!!!

ok, JK. That is SOOOO true! Great idea. once again your blog be-ith worthy among other not so worthy blogs. So hense forth I knight your blog...Sir a kitten-flinging good blag. And hense forth though shall be-ith respected...ith.