Friday, July 8, 2011

Bring it arrrouund towwn

(pics of trip home)

As the first post in a while, things have been a little crazy. School has finally gotten out, and I'm at least feeling much better, much more manageable. The usual summer annoyance is that now I am not keeping to the schedule I've laid out for myself. I haven't been lax, so to speak, but just not exactly doing what it says. Lately, this last month I've been interrupting myself in order to have conversations with others or making sure that I can be around to listen to someone rather than finish a book or rereading homestuck.

I have had some great moments that need remembering. Visiting home and having everyone actually show up to the CheeseCake Factory was amazing. I really didn't expect everyone to show up like they did. Getting to see everyone around the Midwest was just great. Very grounding to get back and touch everything again. Have my dog remind me I'm a jerk who never calls, and sit down with my grandparents. Driving up the long hours in order to see Alex again was a good idea. Hiking around and eating food was rather enjoyable.

It has been along time since I've been able to see people, and unfortunately it means that I have to filter the people I see based on time and managability. It's not something that I'm looking forward to in the coming years when people only get farther, and farther apart. So, to make a point. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be everywhere at once and I'm sorry that I can't see most of the people I want to.