Monday, April 16, 2007


Is this real?
This picture is very interesting to me. It reminds me of a time where I was physically in a nice looking location in San Diego, but at the same time, the more "real" feeling comes from the immediate way the picture makes me feel. Which, while I can't even begin to describe in words. It would need lots of colors, and squiggles and an open mind to get it. So which is real? The physical memories and objects, or how the way the physical makes me think and feel?
This is the problem.
I've come across one of the greatest questions I have yet to think about. Just what is "Reality?"

Is it things that happen in the physical world, or what about things that exist in drawings. Those who can draw well enough (one of my life goals) can create their own reality. Even in my juvenile stage in artistic-ness, I can recognize that there are certain things that....are only real in drawing or in music. Any attempt to make it come into something other than what it is destroys it.
So is reality variable?
what is it?
I feel as though it is one of those instances where I don't even know what I'm asking.


I'm going to walk down this path a little more and see where it takes me.
I might need this.

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