Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weekend Topics: Recontinued Remember pt:1

These are some things that I have been noticing, and have tried to narrow down exactly what it is that make people seem so different from me in terms of the way they think. On the base level I feel as if people should be able to come to the same word-form conclusion that I come to, but I feel as if the path to get there is very different, and in the end changes the importance, or how personal the realization is.
"Nothing is small"

Future planning.
People may try to plan for the future, but I do not see them do it in the same way that I do. To me it seems to be more of a conscious attempt at a potential action rather than a scheduled event. I will be participating in it, and i need to think about the realistic situation in which I will be experiencing. I need think about the way it is going to smell, how crowded a thing may or may not be, that point where you look out and see someone you recognize but don't know wether to wave at them or not. Or if you may get flustered momentarily by someone your trying to impress. These all need to be considered. Returning to an idea of preparation. I am not sure if I can name something that I don't have to mentally prepare myself for before doing it. There is always a sonar ping, some "if this happens, I will say this" stretching required before going out and running with it. It is almost because of this that, in accordance with a later description of Role-Playing that it is almost pointless to go to most events that only deviate slightly, or make it so much easier to rationalize not going somewhere. I can imagine the situation, the buzz, the atmosphere, the dimness of the lights, a packed room with too many people and bouncing ping pong balls. Who is there with me, the words they will say and cause me to say words, etc. It becomes thought of. After practically experiencing it in real life I then make a decision if that is indeed the future that I want to participate in. Is that the future I want to have as part of my experience?

This preparation has played a large part in deciding what kind of person I want to be, and who I have become. In order to deal with a predicted event, I should be able to do ______ thing. In order to have that ability, or knowledge, I should practice this new skill, or increase my knowledge about this. The only other route is to explore the future image long enough to discover what exactly I am looking for and how I should realistically expect to achieve it.


Churaesie said...

Trace was just telling me that in his perceptions, the motivations for a person to do something are either "pushing" or "pulling".

"Pulling" is I think what we tend to do. We see something out there in the future, then shoot out our grappling hooks of preparation towards the events and skills that will pull us towards that future.

"Pushing" is when you have something behind you propelling you forward. I think this is things like really wanting to get out of a current job and knowing that you need to go get some skilz in order to have a better job, or perhaps having people behind you encouraging you to go and do. We have this too, but I think we mostly use our grappling hooks.

CMT said...

I agree that most of us do not plan as deeply and detailed as you do. Some of us make a decision to exist “somewhere” in the future, set a course for that place, and gather the tools and skills we will need to survive there along the way. Then when we get there and hopefully we can not only survive but thrive.
What you described in your post is the chess player’s approach. While you are on course, you are constantly planning many moves ahead and planning for as many contingencies as you can.
That is the root of preparedness, and in many occupations it is the basis for why we train and practice. You definitely react faster if you don’t have to figure out what to do before doing it.
Unfortunately the human factor, and life itself, has a tendency to throw things at us and at times when even if we had a counter move, we may not have the energy to make it because we are already dealing with some of life’s punches.
You are already light years ahead of the game just by thinking things through as far as you have. And actually putting time into figuring out what kind of man/person you want to be. Just be ready for the occasional sucker punch.
