Sunday, March 9, 2008


(drafted 3/09 )

Future (or depending on time, present) Sam

A kind of thought that got thrown to me from a book, and that is the idea that humans are very probably the only animals that cognitively plan, and imagine the future. That being as it is, it would appear that our present self is in a constant mode of preparation so that our future self, when it comes into the present, will have a more enjoyable time than how we are currently functioning, or so that it might also function in a similarly enjoyable environment. An example may be having our present self slave over hours and hours of homework so that eventually, come that future weekend, we might be able to do what a scheduled series of fun-a-ties. I am not entirely sure how to take this. Am I forever a slave to menial tasks in hope of bringing about an intangible, more enjoyable future? or can this futuristic environment be brought to the present. does this limbo exist in only past and future, but is not compatible with the present?

(edited 5/13/08)
I am sorry.
I tried my best.

It's not your fault.

your Past,


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