Sunday, September 26, 2010

Awaken from Hibernation

It has been far, far too long since I have written anything down here. This follows for anything else that I have meant to keep a semblance of routine updates in. PWS, writing in journals, taking pictures, drawing, etc. It's been so long since I've taken the time to really, personally take a good look at the things around me and gleam anything meaningful from them. For the moment I feel this is because I have been lulled into a legitimate sense of security.
Nothing is wrong here. There are good friends, good work, good professors, good weather and activities, good books, great house/housemates...There is almost nothing missing. Years ago I may have felt a small drive to continue to pull back and consequently review and predict everything for hope of a different interpretation, or even just another perspective. I believe that for the moment, I am just calm. I don't feel like I need to look into everything. If it bothers me enough, or seems important, than yes, surely I'll look into and try to understand a speech pattern or watch how a duck walks, but for the moment. I don't think I really /want/ to find another interpretation.
This is great.
This is where I want to be.
This is where I LIKE being.


Churaesie said...

co incidence?

i haven't written in a long time and when I do, it feels more like things that just spring to mind, although I guess I do have some ideas that I'd like to work out a little more clearly.

But yeah. I recognize a feeling of not needing to describe or record, but to just wanting to be.


It makes me wonder ... if one became enlightened, would they feel any need to describe it to others? I don't think they'd leave any record.

Schzamn said...

I want this to be true, but I also don't want to call myself 'enlightened'. That would be cool though.

Churaesie said...

I think it might be one of those things that is better not thought about or sought.