Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lack of too little time.

It has come to my attention that I am writing about half as much as I did last year, and with less quality of posts. As an early year resolution, I hope to be able to write things down more so that I don't need to be stuck wishing I could remember.
I don't take pictures nearly as much anymore either. I am currently blaming this kohler house until I can better define what is being stupid. It is probably me, but until then..

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Colors of a familiar tune twirl their way through a crisp fall afternoon. The sun’s persistent warm rays reflect off of the colorful leaves that have finally found beauty in death and change. The ribbons of color embrace and conjure up their own memories as I pass a hand slowly over them. They remind me to respond with the appropriate color sequence, which upon release yields an expected hue. Then the concentration is gone, a materialistic eye is confused at what it has just been witnessed, and turns toward the conversationee. A tree sided road strolls up to meet the two, but goes unnoticed as the inner eye curses at it’s lack of power and understanding. A brief pause and a reboot of what is known, and what is not, and the walking verbal interaction continues, but so too a constant frustration at the lack of action. Always a lack of action.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What is likely a winning combination

Today was a snow day. It was very nice in its coming. There was a plan already for its entrance. It involved sleeping bags, and how amazing it would be if you spent a whole day in one. However, conflicting plans imposed their way in, and things began to get stuck in time. Instead, I have probably walked for two miles easily in snow, and scenes unraveled in their usual way, which was not. College apps are almost done, and online chinese is drastically behind. I need to start writing more often. It will help to remember. I have not noticed in significant status fluctuations. Tracy is coming home soon which will be amazing. I just hope it does not go over as things usually go over.
I have a feeling like I should be doing things.. But I don't know what.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Once Again XKCD..

For some reason, pictures are being very not formatable.