Friday, November 14, 2008

Statements. Thoughts.

Dear Future Sam.
Not really sure how the state of anything is at the moment. Drifting back to third person. I don't know if this is acceptable or not anymore. I haven't really had time to focus in on one thing or the other, or outside factors. This in itself may be a problem. Momentum is still being felt, but it has yet to be directed toward one thing or another. It is spilling over into too many different things and is spread to thin. A large spoon is needed to contain such bursts in protective walls lest the town be flooded. Music is a large influence in tone of perception. Sitting on roofs is a good substitute for a tree. One should determine their utility and then play the role of the prospector and siv through until some rare treasure presents itself. In such an instance, it should be analyzed and put to use, but only when understood. White green whisps, and foreboding whirlpools of blues and purples, and rhythmic ripples. Piano is still a site of Truth. Don't forget about the leaves, their motion paused in the air, and their sorrowful decent until they lay peacefully defeaten on the grass. Pictures are healthy. Mouth words must hold with them the resolve of mind. Fluidity will come, and with that, the stream of knowledge, and tributaries of the past. Let the knowledge of others rain down and fill your empty stream beds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Knowledge of others is good to consider and useful, but only you can pilot yourself. Train yourself to be a good pilot, for yourself and for the others whom you affect.

Feel for the underground currents with your feet - find a current that feels aligned with yourself - and trust that it will lead to larger waters.

If you haven't already seen:
Steve Job's commencement address at Stanford:

Randy P.'s last lecture: