this post is dedicated to what goes unsaid. namely what happens when people look at say... a blog, and after reading it say to them selves, "gee, that's really witty!"
or whatever the emotional equivalent of : \ is. instead of expressing this compliment or other things in the form of text, or a commment, the reader either decides that, if they know the blogger, they will later tell him/her to keep up the good work. this never works. said person forgets said compliment and feels awkward in the social enviornment in saying a good thing about something as trivial as a blog. what's the answer? some way to express feeling in word form and not have to feel awkward about it. it's a comment! this feature allows someone to select one, of several posts of information, and give their opinion on it. but somewhere there is a problem with this. people don't like to have their opinion on the internet. for instance, if i were to say on an instant message system
" hey, go to it's a really cool blog!"
(other person) LOL*! that's hilarious**!
"why don't you comment on my page?"
"yea... i guess i could do that"
so i know people are willing to express to me at least, what they think about a certain plot, but to me when i KNOW someone has read a certain post and don't leave a comment, ... i guess that translates to me as a lack of caring to leave feedback or comunicate what they thought about it. it also doesn't help that i like to know what other people think and.ideally, i'd get done posting something and look back and see -Comments (15)-
it might also be that i'm so bored that comments would give me a reason to comment back or say something (in other words, waste some time at the very least).
so this is just an excuse for me to say to readers who read this page
i don't care if their like "hi!" just...something.